

By Eduardo Sanchez

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2014-10-24
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 20min
  • Director: Eduardo Sanchez
  • Production Company: Miscellaneous Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 6.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 337 Ratings


For five friends, it was a chance for a summer getaway—a weekend of camping in the Texas Big Thicket. But visions of a carefree vacation are shattered with an accident on a dark and desolate country road. In the wake of the accident, a bloodcurdling force of nature is unleashed—something not exactly human, but not completely animal—an urban legend come to terrifying life…and seeking murderous revenge.




  • Blair Witch on steroids

    By nature23
    This is actually the scariest movie of all time. Complete hidden gem here. Best found footage movie ever by far. A perfect film, from top to bottom.
  • Better than Willow Creek

    By axraex
    I've seen a fair amount of Bigfoot movies. This one is up there. First of all, they show the creature several times, and I feel like the design of this Bigfoot was solid enough for them to do so and have it actually be scary (unlike some designs I've seen where it suddenly leaves you not scared at all). I just watched Willow Creek before this, and comparatively Exists is a much better film.
  • Absolutely awesome

    By B$leezy
    One of my favorite found footage movies and by far the best big foot one out there. Awesomeness
  • If you like a scary...

    By –TheArtist
    Normally on this topic I'd have to preface this a disclaimer. But this was really well written, the cast did a very good job, though some were under-utilized, the sound was fantastic, the pace was great and you were not denied a glimpse of the mythic creature, right from the start. If you like a scary, you sure can't beat the price fo this rental, great job!!!!!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (and I have no affiliation with the filmmakers, re: the tool that says these are endorsed comments, c'mon!!!!)
  • So amazing

    By Ke$ha lover 16
    My 2 new favorite Bigfoot movies r willow creek and this one , keep up the amazing work guys, I expect to watch more amazing movies u guys make :)
  • Pretty Good

    By gPw83
    Kind of a fun movie. Showed the big foot throughout the whole movie. I was expecting an out of focus flick but I was surprised. Definitely a renter.
  • Good movie

    By MarieBeezzzzz
    Good movie
  • Way better than I thought

    By turg2323
    I honestly did not expect to like this movie but it delivers. The music, sound design, editing and breakneck pace were great, even forward-thinking from a technical perspective. Sure, the horror movie characters were a little stock, but the cast makes the most of it. If you can accept Sanchez's found footage approach, you're in for a tight, well crafted and often jolting scare-fest.
  • Great Movie!

    By Brokeall08
    I've seen a lot of Sasquatch films over the years and was always let down. This film pleasantly surprised me. Two thumbs way up! Definitely had to put it in my digital collection.
  • Not scary

    By Moehoward1
    Sorry, this one fails. The movie appears to be modeled after the Blair witch project and Paranormal.
