The Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project

By Unknown

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 1999-07-30
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 21min
  • Director: Unknown
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99


The Blair Witch Project follows a trio of filmmakers on what should have been a simple walk in the woods, but quickly becomes an excursion into heart-stopping terror. As the three become inexplicably lost, morale deteriorates. Hunger sets in. Accusations fly. As the end of their journey approaches, they realize that what they are filming now is not a legend...but their own descent into unimaginable horror.



  • Overated

    By Cassmilrya
    Killer trailer but a lousy movie.
  • Just awful

    By Scorp10nX
    The Blair Thumb is much, much better, and has higher production values.
  • Boring.

    By WholeLottaFandoms89
    1 hour and a half you’ll never get back. A waste of $5.
  • Blair Witch!

    By calebmpr
    When I first saw The Blair Witch Project I didn’t know what to think of this film. I wasn’t sure if I liked it or disliked it because I was expecting a little more out it hearing all the positive feedback this film has received for the past 20 years. After the second and third watch, this movie proved itself to be as scary as it says it is. The performances by the actors were great, the sounds that come out of the forest is frightening, some of the imagery depicted is bone chilling. The Blair Witch Project is one of those unique horror films where showing less is more. I grew up in an era where having something creepy pop out in your face every 10-20 mins in a horror film makes it “scary” The Blair Witch Project does just enough to give you the idea of what’s happening to these kids lost in this haunted forest. The imagination behind the events playing out in front of you is what makes this film as scary as it is. It’s a classic!
  • Here’s a theory

    By Duck lover 27
    The guys made went on the trip to off the female. Check out film theory for more
  • Worst movie ever

    By Andrew Unrau Music
    Terrible. If you thought this was real it may be scary. Back in 99 if you went to the theater with know knowledge of the story and that it’s some armatures trying to make a scary movie then maybe, but with the internet and that everyone knows what this movie is, it’s an utter joke. A movie that did not age well. Kudos to them for making as much as they did off such a low budget film.
  • Love / hate realtionship...

    By He Who Is
    With this movie. It is SO well acted, exemplifies the desperation of the human spirit and when pushed to it's boundaries, the instinct of self preservation is lost. One MIGHT say, 'stupid people making stupid decisions' to further the plot line. This, too, is my first reaction as a wilderness traveler both with and without accompanyment. But, when I try and put myself in the situation of young folk who know little to nothing of survival, have little preparation in the ways of the backcountry, I ALMOST understand it. Still, WELL acted, especially the young lady. Very 'creepy' atmosphere. Over all, a job WELL done transferring the shear terror of young folk FAR over their heads in what ever they enountered, but it supernatural or a skilled psychological predator.
  • Fun but freaky end

    By gameman43
    It’s a little to much home camera but it is very unique.
  • Very original concept

    By Rusty Dusty Rusty
    This movie upon its release in 1999, had moviegoers terrified in their seats and many believed what they were watching, was real! I must admit, I saw this movie the day it was released on home video, and even though I knew it was just a movie, it unnerved me. Very original concept that started the whole “found footage” genre although 1985’s Cannibal Holocaust was the very first film to do so. The directors/producers, Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez were fresh out of film school and basically provided everything needed for the actors played by Heather Donahue, Michael C. Williams and Joshua Leonard to follow a thinly veiled script and ad lib to the scenes and situations that they themselves filmed! Dr. Wolfula on YouTube, gives a great review on this movie and the actors’ real names were used for their characters. This movies grossed millions of dollars at the box office and it cost very little to make. Check it out!
  • True found footage horror

    By Mr. X the writer
    This is my most favorite found footage horror movie ever because it’s much more realistic than the others (which are still very good). And, the very idea of those students disappearing after the events of the movie is even scarier. I love everything about this scary, scary movie. Makes me wish I saw it in theaters.
