Lovely Molly

Lovely Molly

By Eduardo Sanchez

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2012-05-18
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 40min
  • Director: Eduardo Sanchez
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99


From the masters of horror who brought you The Blair Witch Project comes a terrifying new vision of evil that will redefine horror once again. A mysterious evil is waiting for Molly (Gretchen Lodge), who moves with her new husband into her late father’s empty country house. Haunted by dark demons, she is soon left alone to confront a lurking presence inside the house – one that could drive her beyond the edge of pure fear. Hailed as “guaranteed to haunt you” (Dread Central), Lovely Molly breaks new ground in raw, cutting-edge horror, delivering scares that slice to your very soul. You will never want to turn off the lights again!



  • Not what you think

    By SamDeer
    Loved this movie! Definitely slow at times, but the ending makes up for it!! Give it a shot....
  • Yes, Creepy

    By Dan540830
    I have hated the whole hand held camera genre that I blamed the Blair Witch Project for introducing the you know camera bouncing all over the place while trying to watcha movie concept. I watched the trailer and thought this is different, when the movie started I thought, oh no, how could I be so stupid! I gave it a chance and felt that they pulled it off okay, with just a bit of that. Anyway I liked it, and recommend it as being well worth while.
  • Why on Earth...

    By EFK
    ...hasn't the films original score, performed and written by the one and only Tortoise, been released yet? it's the only reason I watched this movie, which wasn't very good...

    By Mark92880
  • Best of the genre!

    By Unoriginal Hollywood
    This movie has really stuck with me since my first viewing, which is a sign of a powerful film. There IS ambiguity and I realize that frustrates some viewers, but for the observant and proactive it explains itself as well as it needs to. All your answers are in the film if you piece it together. If you enjoy cerebral, atmospheric horror then this is the best film of the genre in the past couple of years.
  • GREAT!

    By Becca9373
    If your into horror. This movie was so good. We watched apartment 143 fell asleep. The moth diaries again fell asleep but that was ok with a confusing ending. I don't understand the ppl that say it sucked they must not like horror so STOP watching horror u idiots go watch a chick flick! Big horror fans me & my daughter loved it!!!
  • Eh...

    By sc1996
    I really wanted to like this movie. I absolutely love horror movies, and as soon as I saw this was available on iTunes, I rented it right away. And sadly, it was nothing like I expected. My first issue is that you never see anything until the very end. All you see is what's going on with Molly and how she behaves, and then you finally see something at the end for like 10 seconds. It also acts a little like Paranormal Activity, with doors opening and strange noises at night. BUT THAT'S IT. The second problem I had with this movie is that it's not scary. I usually find paranormal movies very scary, but for some reason, this one wasn't scary whatsoever. Yes, there are a lot of weird sounds coming from down the stairs and Molly apparently sees stuff that her husband can't, but it just wasn't enough to give me nightmares. The third issue I had was the explanation of the whole thing. Either I just didn't understand everything or it was just very stupid. And it didn't make a lot of sense. I did understand what happened at the very last scene, but the part before that made the story behind everything just so strange. The last thing I didn't like about this movie was the ending. I'm sick and tired of directors and writers ending their movies so quickly. I didn't really want to see any more, but don't keep audiences occupied for an hour and 40 minutes and then find the easiest and quickest way to end the movie. I'm used to dumb characters in horror movies, so that wasn't a bad thing to me. And I really couldn't care less about the characters. So overall, this movie is neither good or bad. I recommend it to people who scare very easily or are just looking for a horror movie that's not that frightening. But if you're looking for a pretty dang good scary movie that recently came out, I strongly recommend The Pact. Now THAT is one scary movie.
  • Lovely not

    By Beckyblankenship25
    I love scary movies, a specially ghost / demon ones... Gotta say thou, this one sucked, it started off bad and finished with a big bad....don't waste your time or money...
  • Know -It-All

    By perpledragonfly
    This movie is nothing like The Blair Witch Project. The Blair Witch Project was a good movie. This movie was a bad way. Was not frightening at all. And there was nothing likeable or sympathetic about the main character, Molly, her dumb sister, or her dumber husband.
  • It's not the horror movie you expect it to be

    By renegade__knight
    After watching this movie. Its too easy to assume that it adds nothing to the horror genre, which the trailers claims that it does. Despite the fact that I feel inclined to agree with that crowd of people, if I really think about the movie, I feel more compelled to realize that this movie is in fact different. First, the movie was creepy. There were a few scares, but really what makes the movie scary is the mood and not the scares and I find that refreshing. The acting was well done. The story was interesting and very disturbing. The movie would seem slow but at the same time that's not an issue… its more an element to what brings out the horror in the movie. So, when you watch the movie, sure you feel like the trailer misled you into thinking this was going to be a new movie to redefine the horror genre. Really? Who's fool enough to fall for that. Nothing is new under the sun my friends. However, I feel in a way the movie was unique to the horror genre. We see many horror movies where the characters are suffering this sort of mental illness, but usually its revealed as a twist. This movie doesn't do that. It takes typical things from horror movies and presents them in a new way. So, you have unoriginal things but if you fail to see how different they are compared to other movies, I guess it would be hard to see how this movie is anything new at all. There are a lot of thrillers that have sick mentally unstable characters doing disgusting things. But, this movie doesn't present that sort of thing as a thriller. This is a haunting tale of a girl struggling with mental instability. Basically, what this movie does, is gives you a fresh perspective of this sort of horror film. Anyways. If you are interested in watching a horror movie that is not your typical horror movie. I'd recommend at least trying this one out in the middle of the night.
