Left to raise his beloved granddaughter, a grandfather faces a legal battle when the little girl’s paternal grandmother seeks custody, forcing the families to confront their true feelings on race, forgiveness and understanding.
Are you kidding me...
This is a great movie!!
Kevin Costner does a fantastic job of the role as his character.
Really Good Movie
Great movie
By Pee---wee
Loved it
By Keisersose
I enjoyed this movie and its honesty. It's a beautiful story...
Watch if you want to cry like a girl
By AJ122015
This movie is a must watch if you want to cry like a 4 year old girl. Just amazing how a movie can make a guy cry every 5 mins, at some point I think my eyes got dry. The overall acting is so real and amazing I have no words for that. And the events that happen just wow. This movie will make your eyes sweat like a fat man in a sauna. I'm going to watch it again with my girlfriend (who might be gay, since I grew a vagina from this crying).
Could have been better
By Film_Fan_4751
Black or White is cliche and predictable, but it's heart is in the right place, it has very good performances from it's actors (especially Costner), and it has some good gags to lighten up the mood, enough to make Black or White a decent film. However, the film tells you it's going to deal with sensitive topics like racism, but whenever it attempts to, it just ends up being shy & backs away from them.
Very Disappointing
By Bertfromacct
Great cast, but not a great movie!
By dukester
Some pretty good potential here but it falls short. Way short.
By 53 julimar
I loved this film ! I think everyone that had to do with this movie did very well. Great acting. Interesting people. Brilliant child that is full of love . Emotionally honest and intense . Sad and funny too.