

By Mike Judge

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2007-01-25
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 24min
  • Director: Mike Judge
  • Production Company: 20th Century Fox
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 3,076 Ratings


From Mike Judge, one of the creative minds behind Beavis and Butt-Head, King of the Hill, and Office Space, comes an outrageous sci-fi comedy that'll make you think twice about the future of mankind. Meet Joe Bowers (Luke Wilson). He's not the sharpest tool in the shed. But when a government hibernation experiment goes awry, Bowers awakens in the year 2505 to find a society so dumbed-down by mass commercialism and mindless TV programming that he's become the smartest guy on the planet. Now it's up to an average Joe to get human evolution back on track!





    By Unsheepled
    Not 500 years ahead but now ! I watching people turn into the soft headed non-think npc’s … crazy how ‘movies and books’ show us whats coming
  • reality

    By ull777
    the only thing this movie got wrong was thinking the main character needed to travel far into the future, i don’t know about the rest of you but i’ve been getting the feeling that i’m surrounded by morons for a few decades now
  • A Terrific Documentary (Ken Burns Does It Again!)

    By CaptainReedo
    I forget whether Ken Burns of David Attenborough made this, but it is certainly remarkable in its ability to document the opinions and behaviors that have led to casual cruelty and people forgetting Matthew 25:40-45. Some might even argue that this film, in 2023 is really more in the category of what we might see on The History Channel or The Discovery Channel, rather than the futuristic dystopian science fiction comedy, that it was once meant to be. Crazy.
  • This was filmed live

    By Dead Kennedys are dead
    This was filmed in January 6th in Washington. Ouch my ballzzzzzzzz
  • Idiocracy

    By 111111Bees
    Based On A True Story
  • Prescient

    By DiamonDiver
    Should have won an Oscar for best documentary. How did they know?
  • Me like. You don’t like? You dumb.

    By pinchebolas
    Brawndo: the thirst mutilator.
  • More fitting now then ever

    By StEvE CaR
    This is how the world is going to be if democrats keep running things
  • Fun Warning

    By KevWorldWide
    I enjoyed IDIOCRACY for its fun, sci-fi, comedy approach that is a real-life warning to us all about the rampant stupidity that is emerging as a dominant form of discourse in the USA. Well worth a watch, and at 1:20 long, it's a breeze. My only criticism is that Maya Rudolph's vast talents were underutilized! Enjoy!
  • Great Documentary

    By Zacblack09
    This fascinating documentary examines the results of Joe Biden's presidency of the United States and the policies of the democratic party.
