Beavis and Butt-Head Do America

Beavis and Butt-Head Do America

By Mike Judge

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 1996-12-20
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 21min
  • Director: Mike Judge
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99


Our intrepid adolescent heroes wake up to find their beloved television stolen, and embark on an epic journey across America to recover it, and, who knows, maybe even score. On the way they encounter a murderous smuggler of a deadly virus and his treacherous wife, an FBI agent with a predilection for cavity searches, a couple of rather familiar looking ex-Motley Crue roadies, Mr. Van Dreesen singing "Lesbian Seagull", a little old lady and of course Mr. Anderson and his trailer. Can the Great Cornholio save the day? Uh-huh. Huh-huh.



  • Shortest Preview Ever, Like Ten Seconds

    By Thirdeyenine
    Geez, might as well not even have a preview at all. I saw Paramount, then heard a whistle with a bang, no picture. Not very smart way to sell a movie. Later.
  • Would do America again

    By Jackie Chu han
    That’s pretty cool
  • Alright

    By Ryi1988
    This movie is alright. Not the best ever. It could have more funny parts then it had. The normal episodes I think are more funny then the movie.
  • Beavis

    By Colonel Buttman
    Best movie.
  • Are your eyeballs broken?

    By Mr. Krinklez
    Uhhh...You can buy the movie you stupid dillholes
  • This is the coolest movie I have ever seen

    By Odawg74956234
    This movie rules
  • Hilarious and dirty, even for non-fans

    By ThePilgrim96
    Even if they tend to use the same jokes over and over, they somehow never actually seem to tire. It was still incredibly funny to watch, the voice work was great, and it was enough for me to give this movie a good recommendation

    By Green day rocks113
    This is the best cartoon movie ever!! It stays very true to the TV show. I highly recommend it to any Beavis and Butt-head fan!
  • I love beavis and butthead

    Best movie ever!!!!
  • Wait What?

    By Guy Ragetobia
    That trailer sucked. Uh huh huh.
