The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

By John Ford

  • Genre: Western
  • Release Date: 1962-04-13
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 2h 3min
  • Director: John Ford
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,168 Ratings


Ranking with Stagecoach as one of the greatest of its genre, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance is the modern-day western to beat all westerns. John Ford, whose very name is synonymous with "westerns," directed the ideal cast. Jimmy Stewart plays the bungling but charming big-city lawyer determined to rid the fair village of Shinbone of its number one nuisance and bad man: Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin). And as if all that weren't enough, the biggest star that ever aimed a six-shooter plays the Man of the title: John Wayne. Super sincere Stewart and rugged rancher Wayne also share the same love interest (Vera Miles). One gets the gunman, but the other gets the gal.




  • Meh

    By Rambo8649
    This was my first time viewing this title. I didn't like the movie that much..overrated in my opinion.
  • Dukes best....

    By Pard1971
    Well, this is my favorite, it's the Duke, Stewart and Marvin! Unreal acting, story is great. Just a fantastically put together film.
  • John Ford Classic

    By Frank C 66554321.
    John Wayne plays the hero in two ways in this John Ford classic. He gives up the girl and defeats the bad guy in a logical and satisfying way in this western/political/love story drama.
  • The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence

    By Tracy22217
    I'm a huge John Wayne fan. I watched quite a few of his movies. But this I can say is one of my favorite movies. I don't know if it tops to be in my top five John Wayn movies, but it sure is in the top ten movies.
  • Classic western

    By Stills Fan 01
    Our family has always loved this movie. People think that we named our daughter after Halley Berry. But we really named her after the lead female character.
  • "Print the legend" and a great print at that

    By Splicer415
    Others have sung this film's praises; I don't need to tell you how good The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance is. It transcends Western genre and tells a story about the transformation of the American West, glorifying the progress rather than glorifying the violence. What I feel must be said is that the version for rent here was taken from a pristine print with amazing detail and awesome contrast. So many transfers from film, especially black and white transfers to digital, don't preserve the richness of the black and white film. This is the most beautiful I've seen TMWSLV, even having seen it on the big screen in revival theaters. If you don't know about this film, go read the other reviews. If you're already a fan, take my word for it: this is the version you want.
  • Print the Legend

    By Fender4ever
    This may not be as great as Stagecoach, also directed by Ford, but it has some of the same actors -- John Wayne, Andy Devine, and John Carradine. Ford leavens this story with a little comedy that fills out the characters and makes them all likable, except Liberty and cohorts, of course. A nice story with a twist at the end and a memorable tag line: Print the legend.
  • Great movie

    By O'Toolefan
    This movie is great and it's also worth watching for the history lesson in the classroom scene.
  • John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart at their best

    By Gandalf431
    This is just one of those movies that I can watch over and over again. This is the one where John Wayne calls Jimmy Stewart pilgrim 23 times ( I counted). If you are a John Wayne fan this ranks up there with The Searchers, Fort Apache, True Grit, The Shootist and Stagecoach as The Duke's finest work. Lee Marvin and Vera Miles both turned in great performances as well. See this one, you won't be sorry.
  • Classic John Ford & Classic John Wayne

    By Detrieux
    Best in category - "Vintage Classic Western". Vera Miles also stars in this tale of unrequited love and heroism. Jimmy Sterwart also stars, along with Lee Marvin. There are so many colorful characters and a great plot, it is impossible not to be drawn into the story. The fan of Westerns will find this a must add to their collection.
