By Tree and Me
This is definitely one of the most endearing TV shows I've ever watched. I love the mixture of personalities represented in the family. Everyone is lovable and flawed in their own way (as in life). The show covers a lot of psychological and emotional ground (different kinds of issues, problems, triumphs, and joys) and really illustrates both cooperation and challenge beautifully. I definitely have come away from the show appreciating the gifts of a big, connected family, and I have often felt inspired by the show to strengthen/grow the relationships in my own life. I am glad they brought back "Forever Young" as the theme song this season. That song kind of tied it all together for me and illustrated/represented the show well, in my opinion. Lauren Graham's character is my favorite, and she plays her role is such a real, seemingly effortless way. But, really, all the actors are outstanding, and I find it pretty easy to relate to a trait here, a quirk there in almost every character. I've enjoyed every episode and been moved to tears on many occasions. Thank you Parenthood cast, writers, and producers for an inspiring, heart-warming, funny, witty, and truly lovely show. And thank you iTunes for offering it here.
My favorite
By CGraham05
Great cast, especially Lauren Graham!
Inviting Audience Into Family
By Quietly Witness
Even the family name “Braverman” could be a little sappy. But rather than rise above it, they do what most of us do, they side step it. Therein lies its gift to viewers. Over and over again, we are encouraged gently to become a part of the family. Without a pledge, crest or merit badge, a viewer can identify with the characters. Almost all of them work through some crisis or highlight with which the audience has or will struggle. This endearing family is presented by a fine ensemble of actors, holding firm to their roles and yet changing as they grow up and older. Parenthood has taken hold of my heart and my curiosity. It is an honor to be the silent partner in the Braverman family saga.
The best season yet
By stuckwithoutnetflix
I am in love with Parenthood. It is one of the most sincerely written and acted shows on television and is so overlooked! The characters are all very real but endearing in their own way. And this is coming from a 20 something college student who is no where near parenthood! Watch it and you won't be dissapointed, if only as your weekly fix of feel good, brain candy tv.
One of the best shows on TV
By Emaledave
There really isn't anything quite like it on TV that I'm aware of... It just continues to get better. Very real and genuine. I've watched since the beginning. Although Parenthood is a drama and Modern Family a comedy they began the same year and all the buzz went to Modern Family and I worried it wouldn't last but thankfully it has and seems to have improved each season. As opposed to some other reviewers I think keeping Ray Romano was good choice if no other reason than the education it's providing about Asperger's syndrome. I saw that connection from his first appearance on show. The show is very true to life it's easy to identify with the character as we know or have known others who have or are going through similar issue. It time for the show to start picking up some awards and getting the recognition it deserves.
Best show on television
By JIll Cordoni
My husband and I love this show!!! This shows follows the Braverman's through all of the events in life we all deal with- school, kids, politics, love, heart break, and the journey through it all. Amazing writing- so true to life- highly recommend it!!
By Kaaiiiitt
Absolutely LOVE this show. It's about real-life dramas that makes you want to NEVER stop watching. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS SHOW.
Love Every Second!
By Brett Hicks
My wife and I have watched every episode of Parenthood together, and we've loved it all. There is something charming about the Braverman family, and the writers seem to be able to bring you to the point of tears week after week.
Sadly, the show is losing charm.
By my 50 cents
Sadly, the show's writers are messing with the formula. I do not like the "new baby in the household" theme. It is stupid. Bringing Hank back is not working either. I loved the other seasons but watching this season feels more like a chore.
5th Season Premier
By Serl719
All I can say is that I have been a huge fan for all of the seasons except last year & this year!
The casting Directors are losing their great flair for having the perfect cast by bringing back Ray Romano for another season!!! He was great in comedy, and on "Men of a Certain Age." He is a
horrible on this show! Jason Ritter is fantastic on this show! You need to have Ritter have a larger role, and can Romano or you will lose your fan base, which will end in a Series finale!!
Sorry, but just being honest about one of the best ensemble, which is being ruined by Everybody doesn't love Ray on this show!!!