To the Wonder

To the Wonder

By Terrence Malick

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2013-04-12
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 52min
  • Director: Terrence Malick
  • Production Company: Brothers K Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 490 Ratings


Written and directed by Terrence Malick, TO THE WONDER is a romantic drama about men and women grappling with love and its many phases and seasons — passion, sympathy, obligation, sorrow and indecision — and the way these forces merge together and drift apart, transforming, destroying and reinventing the lives they touch. Starring Ben Affleck, Olga Kurylenko, Rachel McAdams and Javier Bardem, this deeply moving, visual film intermingles love, nature and spirit. “All things work together for the good.”




  • Beautiful

    By PacoTacos
    My favorite of Malick's films. Truly beautiful and moving. Such a ground spirituality. Javier Bardem was very moving.
  • what was this?

    By hamyj32
    i do not find art or meaning in the female actresses dancing/ jumping around like little girls or why they are always sensually posing every other scene. it is highly unrealistic and made the movie seem random as all hell. the plot was lacking from the get go. i do not mind silent films by any means but any dialogue was highly random and, again, had no relevance. i looked at the time remaining about 14 times, if that tells you something.
  • Would have been better as a photobook

    By Reviewer#4563241
    It is moving pictures Beautiful people in beautiful places. Most of us are not as physically beautiful as these actors but when you are love in feels as beautiful as these scenes, actors and music. Heartbreak can be so powerful as to be mistaken for beauty. There isn't an obvious story line and it takes patience to watch this, I think the film would have been more intriguing as a photography book with the narration as the words, I think one needs to stay with these images longer than a moving picture allows. You'll either love this movie or hate it.
  • :-/

    By victoria111122
    A bit boring...
  • What a waste

    By Uma umaaaa
    Couldn't believe this..nonsense worse movie ever..
  • To the wonder

    By Marvin5033
    Maybe it was great in the 2nd half … I'll never know. The 1st 3rd was so stupid, there was no way to sit through it to see if the rest was any good. My recommendations … go try to find a good movie.
  • Not for me

    By Everemerald
    I get that this is meant to be deep and show raw human emotion... (And when I say SHOW I mean, 60 percent of the movie is watching the actors and actresses move... No talking.) There were some relatable parts where I could understand what the woman was feeling and why she acted a certain way.... Then there were some parts that were so un relatable these actresses had me laughing. (I don't think the humor was intentional) I read a review about dancing women... They were absolutely 100 percent correct. All the females dancing around every where they were in the movie, was strange and distracting to me. It would be almost like: Riding down the interstate and in every passenger seat of other cars was a woman with her eyes closed, hair blowing, hand out of the window, smiling at the feeling... I finished the movie so all in all it wasn't so unpleasant. I think this movie must be watched by open minded people only or else they are wasting their time.
  • Don

    By Florida_Chick11
    The only reason I even finished this movie was because I spent money on it. Even after I finished watching it, I had no idea what the story was even about. Aside from the fact that there are only about 50 complete sentences in the entire movie, the rest of the time a grown woman is dancing around random places followed by a very bored looking Ben Affleck. I rented this movie because I love and respect both Ben Affleck and Rachel McAdams' work. I have never found a movie that they played in that I didn't like.... Until now. Rachel's part was almost nonexistant and I still do not understand the point of her 30 minute role (if that). The priest played a role that didn't fit with the movie at all. It was almost like we were bouncing from one movie to another. Absolutely ridiculous and a waste of money.
  • A work of art

    By nanciblue
    You have to be in a certain relaxed mood to watch and enjoy this. Beautiful photography, realistic storyline. The minimal speaking only adds to the emotional current (focus of it) throughout the movie. Nice break from the usual movie memes: danger, sex, food.
  • To The Wonder

    By out4loud1
    This is about the worst movie I've ever watched!!! What a colossal waste of almost two hours!!!
