Cool It

Cool It

By Ondi Timoner

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2010-11-12
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 28min
  • Director: Ondi Timoner
  • Production Company: Wonderland Sound and Vision
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 5.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 764 Ratings


From the controversial author of the best-selling "The Skeptical Environmentalist" comes this “clear-eyed and common sense-ical” (The Austin Chronicle) documentary that challenges the scare tactics of the green movement. Author and economist Bjorn Lomborg takes viewers on an "eye-opening" (Los Angeles Times) journey through a host of practical alternatives to fixing the planet that's being called “engrossing” (The New York Times) and "far more convincing than An Inconvenient Truth".




  • Propaganda

    By TheThirdVopat
    This anti science film is about people that believe in profits over humanity. Sad.
  • Very good documentary!

    By Jon@Apple
    I really enjoyed this film. Global warming is a very important issue and this movie made some very good points about how this issue is being portrayed to the public and it made some even better suggestions on how we should deal with the issue. I think it is important educate themselves on these kinds of issues and this movie did so in a very non-partisan manner. Well worth the 99c I paid to watch and I hope others choose to enlighten themselves as well :-)
  • informed

    By notapuppet
    a great movie. And at a time when the green crap is being shown as ineffective, and inefficient! A must watch, if you want the truth!
  • Great Movie

    By Kelly_Foster
    Notice the bad reviews are all politically charged. Funny/scary how many of them say this filmmaker should be silenced.
  • An entertaining look from a different angle

    By ChicagoDutch
    The protagonist cleverly manipulates the data to give a less somber outlook on a divisive issue. If only his ideas were accepted and implemented, a lot of people would be put to work and the future looks bright (white?). However, smart(er) energy use or conservation is hardly mentioned (aside from a Prius and a CFL bulb), and regional and world conflicts are completely left out of the equation. That said, it does contain amusing observations, but the movie is annoyingly simplistic at times. Combined with its musical gravy the overall result is a Ron Popeil-type of infomercial.

    By Kordunas76
    Absolutely wonderful! The film is not made for environmentalists or capitalists... it is made for realists. it is not often that a film like this grabbed my attention. It goes through how we have to do something about the environment, but it doesn't use fear mongering and scare tactics like Green Peace and every other environmentalist group. It does it from an economic stand point. It also points out many of the flaws that "tree huggers" use as arguments. If you are a radical environmentalist... you will not like this film because it points out things you do wrong. If you are a normal person, who wants to really make a difference, who wants to make the world a better place, and who wants to actually live like a normal person, WATCH THIS FILM!!!! I found this movie incredible..... I hope you will too!!!
  • Fresh Views on Climate Change and Real World Problems

    By LynnA1954
    I really liked this movie. Regarding climate change, it presents some interesting perspectives on alleged exaggerations that are so often just taken for granted as true. I think this movie will be very enjoyable for many people who are open-minded and like to consider alternative viewpoints. The last part of the film presents a positive future for the earth's inhabitants and presents specific approaches to make it happen.
  • 100 years ago we had a choice

    By Ninjasmoke
    This Movie is correct !! 'Change' is the natural state of the universe! 0ne hundred millions years ago, when all this fossil fuel we use was NOT even there! And yes it was a different atmosphere. But life was very abundant then and I believe 'man' could have lived then. The atmosphere was not poison to our present biological bodies. Different Yes!! What major geological event brought about the trapping of this organic material (carbon) and preventing it's natural and cyclic break-down by biological organisms on the surface thus releasing it back into the atmosphere, I do not know. But it happened and thus our present day atmosphere exists! If man wants to work against 'change' then there is a answer to our world energy situation. This energy has been given to the earth for a very long time and is stored where we can get to it. Back when all this discovery of 'oil' was happening there was also knowledge of this other energy and 'man' went the fossil fuel way. Looking back it is obvious that was NOT the best choice! It is still not to late to switch over to a more abundant and more friendly way to NOT change our present environment. What I am suggesting is that we switch to Hydrogen and use the carbon for more sustainable uses like plastic's and fertilizers but stop using it to propel automobiles and even power plants. If we would have made this choice back then ... We would NOT be having the situation we are in now. The sun dumps, an energy equivalent, of 250 billions barrels of oil a day on this planet. That is a lot of energy, yes? This planet is also 70% covered with water. This is where that energy from the sun is being stored! It is feasible for us to supply what the world is now using in energy and still have enough to supply six times more of that! It is called 'Mist Lift OTEC' (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) With this method we can make all the hydrogen we could ever want and then transport it to all the countries of the world. So now we do not need to give up our transportation or other comforts that we are all afraid we are going to loose. Think about it and Google and learn!!! and then ... DO IT!!!
  • Finally a balanced viewpoint

    By CKW-01
    Although not Oscar potential this movie is a must see. There is a cost to all the good things we can do to make this earth a better place for all. So we better do our homework and assess where we get the most bang for the buck before we throw all our eggs in the basket of the ones shouting the loudest. Economics 101 - invest where the return is the greatest. On the downside there is too much focus on the personal background of Bjorn Lomborg and too little focus on the actual issues and trade-offs we have to form an opinion about. -But you will get the big picture watching this movie.
  • try actually looking into it before you write a review!

    By sbg16674
    I have been doing reasurch on this for quite some time. I am not trying to take anyones money, nor do i want anyones money. Global Warming does exist, though I prefer the term "climate change". There is actual data out there that professers in well known colleges have collected that show that there is infact a change in our climate that means bad things for us. I personally have unbias data that proves it as well. Do NOT try to say that global warming does not exist unless you know what it is you are talking about. If you do actually understand, then thats wonderful, I'm sure many people would love to hear your point of view.
