When an evil troll named Torok attempts to bring about cataclysmic changes that will forever erase mankind, an ancient sorceress and a young boy join forces to stop him before he can carry out his diabolical plan.
80,s Classic
By Dill122841
I love this silly creepy 80’s movie. It’s stupid funny but I enjoy it every time. Definitely nostalgic
I absolutely hate this...
By pomeranian2008
This movie is stupid! Why the heck would ANYONE make this movie!? This movie is pointless.
Good 4 a bad movie
By shadownaut
"Thems my jewels! Give them back! Thems mine!"
Great memories
By Jdogjes
I loved this movie as a kid and still love it as an adult.
how was this so good
By rappy rapp
the movie was so awful it made it great
Like Alf the mini series with a bad troll face.
By Magnus Maxum
Troll 2 is the second part. Best one yet. Troll 1 like a nightmare bedtime story.
Love it
By Chicana916/Aztecas
One of my all time fav movies
You'll be sorry
By FleetFeetPete
This movie was stupid and badly made when it was first released (1986). Now, the special effects are so outdated and cheesy that it has become Unbearably Stupid. The only thing that invokes horror is that they made a sequel.
One of the Worst Films of all Time
By CHrismisti
At one point the young boy who can see the Vegetarian trolls, whose mouths don't move due to the cheap masks, jumps up on the dinner table and urinates all over it because he needs to distract his family from the trolls. What the- WHAT?!?
Cool an original
By Wolfman78
I used to love this movie as a kid. Watching it now as an adult, it's very dated and very cheesy. But it is done with a sense of style and flair, and you can tell that passion was put into it. There is heart and soul, characters you care about, drama and suspense. The creatures are all cool and original, and the concept itself is very original. This movie is either for little kids or adults who loved it when they were young. Anyone else I fear will simply not get it or appreciate it.