Let the Right One In

Let the Right One In

By Tomas Alfredson

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2009-03-10
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 54min
  • Director: Tomas Alfredson
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99


Lonely, 12-year-old Oskar is regularly bullied by his stronger classmates. A new friendship develops when Eli, a pale, serious young girl who only comes out at night, moves in next door. Coinciding with her arrival is a series of inexplicable disappearances and murders. As Oskar becomes more aware of Eli's tragic plight, he cannot forsake her. However, Eli knows that to continue living, she must keep relocating. But when Oskar faces his darkest hour, Eli returns to defend him the only way she can...



  • Certified hood classic

    By Drakvoid
    This movie is amazing the American copy was trash.💯💯
  • go for the hollywood remake version

    By jafarrdm
    i saw the hollywood remake first with chloé grace moretz , it was very interesting, and pretty good, but this one (the original) is just awful, watching it is like a painful, you need to be dellusional to think that is a good movie.
  • Amazing

    By rodolphlaurent
    One of my favorite movie, period! The american version is good but far from this one.
  • Wonderful Story

    By Briano1244
    What a great movie! I wasn't going into this looking for scary. I wasn't looking for gory. I went in with an open mind and let the movie be whatever it is. And it was wonderful. It is a beautiful love story with hope, friendship and acceptance. Open your mind and let this movie be what it really is: Amazing!
  • Creepy- particularly the child aspect

    By Furutan1
    There was an English language remake of this that was equally creepy but the gender aspect of this film makes it even creepier. If you have kids of your own, it is all the more horrific. The soft-sell conclusion will stay with you. As for me, this is a moody movie that can be watched once. Its worth watching, but afterwards you might find yourself looking forward to watching another movie afterwards to fill the dark scary hole it has created – something that is bright, bouncy, and exciting — and with a decidedly happy ending.
  • A hidden gem!

    By QingUilE
    I saw this movie on Netflix and never thought it would have been so amazing. Excellent vampire movie with children as the main characters
  • dark and beautiful

    By IWishIWasTheMonsterYouThinkIAm
    The great movies make an impression on you that last for years. This is one of those movies.
  • great

    By jalapeno1346
    Excellent movie wonderful ending abd the vampires were actual vampires
  • I don't even know

    By TylersARiot
    This was just the best thing I have ever seen I literally just can't. Like. Dem legs doe
  • More of A Comedy

    By FaithDonahue1999
    I know this was supposed to be a horror movie, but me and my best friend just laughed the whole time it's the funniest thing ever
