Heaven's Gate

Heaven's Gate

By Michael Cimino

  • Genre: Western
  • Release Date: 1981-04-24
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 3h 39min
  • Director: Michael Cimino
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99


Michael Cimino's controversial epic of corrupted idealism, set during the bloody Johnson County Wars of the 1890s, was detested by a majority of film critics upon its release and is now the subject of the "re-revisionism" that affects the reputation of many films and works of art. Some critics now regard "Heaven's Gate" (the film that almost brought down an American film studio) as a masterpiece...a film ahead of its time. The enormous cast includes Kris Kristofferson, Christopher Walken, Sam Waterston, Isabelle Huppert, John Hurt, Brad Dourif, Joseph Cotten, Jeff Bridges, Geoffrey Lewis, Richard Masur, Terry O'Quinn, Mickey Rourke and Willem Dafoe. The extraordinary cinematography is by Vilmos Zsigmond.



  • Meh

    It would be interesting to see what the original 5 hour 25 minutes movie was like. I thought the movie was long and drawn out. But it didn’t deserve to take a 40+ million dollar loss.
  • Masterpiece

    By LBMB5763
    So happy this film is finally being recognized as the true masterpiece that it is. Bravo.
  • A Great Loss

    By 2bogs
    One of the longest and most beautiful films I have ever seen. Someone with guts, talent and modern editing equipment should take ALL of this MILLION FEET of film and slowly, mercilessly reconstruct it to reveal what is a truly magnificent American film. I sense that the basic, organic film here is as good as anybody's best, in spite of Cimino. This is just my personal opinion, so save your anger for dreck like LaLaLand.
  • Heaven's Gate

    By Cheffie 69
    Why is this movie not for sale? Kindly make it available in order to buy this movie!
  • Heaven's Gate

    By 54B45
    Choppy, uneven, too long. Long scenes that fail to evoke the intended emotion. A failure on just about any level. Confusing script, cinematography mediocre, intellectually flat.
  • Not as bad as I'd heard

    By Shocky1352
    It may have been the colossal box office bust I heard it was, (actually a matter of record), but it was nowhere near the worst movie I have ever seen. Many scenes overly long and confusing, but on the average fairly entertaining. The first 10 minutes are the worst. I wonder how it would have done as a 2 hour instead of a 3 hour movie?
  • Rare breed of storyteller and telling

    By parcoleo814
    Cimino gave the studios what they said they wanted, a Cimino movie, and that sealed Gate's doom--in 1980. Now, we can see MC's vision more clearly and with the respect it earns. MC is a visual artist even when some of plans don't work out. The movie has ambition and emotion that very few directors try to draw from and express. That is what's bringing a new appreciation of HG.
  • A Powerful, beautiful masterpiece!

    By Captive hawk
    This film intrigues and captivates, with the power to carry us through its journey. The story is an ugly chapter but that is superbly juxtaposed by the beauty . . . of the landscape . . . And, take note ladies, a Kris Kristofferson treat indeed -- from clean-shaven to bearded to mustached, he's in his sexiest prime. One of His best performances, heartfelt & solid as the controversial James Avril. The excellent cast is a surprising delight as well. This one stays with you. It's a shame that it was panned back in the day, but someone else mentioned a re-discovery. It's worthy.
  • The greatest screen saver every filmed

    By badlydrawnbear
    With moments of stunning cinematography and gorgeous costumes the film is to be seen but not heard. The acting is wooden, the dialogue is terrible, and the characters flat. After committing 4 hours of your life to the film your reward is a series of short lived, ridiculous, gun fights with characters, whom you couldn't possible care about, stumble around in storms of bullets, smoke, and dust until they finally appear to wander directly into the path of a slow moving bullet so the actor could finally escape the set . The final few minutes of the film are so ridiculous, you will be tempted to fly to LA, hunt down the actors, and smack them … hard … for having participated in such a monstrosity of film.
  • PUT THE DEER HUNTER ON ITUNES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By Tenbroeck64
    Please get rod of this and put The Deer Hunter on ITunes
