A Shot In the Dark

A Shot In the Dark

By Blake Edwards

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 1964-08-15
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 42min
  • Director: Blake Edwards
  • Production Company: United Artists
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 562 Ratings


Get ready for a riotous adventure as Peter Sellers returns as the hapless Inspector Clouseau in his second Pink Panther film. Assigned to a high-profile murder case, Clouseau finds himself falling (literally) for the prime suspect - a beautiful maid named Maria, whose talent for being in the wrong place at the wrong time almost rivals Clouseau's. But as the body count grows higher, and Maria's criminal record grows longer, Clouseau will have to find the real culprit quickly... or his career will be finite!




  • Great 60’s sequel

    By The Sci-Fi Master
    Katy Perry’s Dark Horse brought me to this movie because the film’s title, A Shot in the Dark, uses the same word as the song by Katy Perry. This sequel is one of the best Pink Panther sequels I’ve ever seen.
  • HR٢j

    By اللي تبي زبي ترفع
  • The best

    By ret453nn
    The second of the Pink Panther series, this is considered by most critics as the best of the lot, and for once I have to agree with them. It's almost a one-man show with Peter Sellers ("Inspector Jacques Clouseau") exhibiting his comedy talents, most of it the slapstick variety as he constantly runs into things and-or falls down. Some of that gets tiresome after a while but most of it works and gives the viewer a lot of laughs. It was nice, after these years, to see the production in 2.35 widescreen. It made the photography a lot more impressive than the formatted-to-TV VHS. I had never realized how nice this movie looked. The sets in here - mainly George Sanders' apartment interior - were good, too, and Elke Sommer was always nice to ogle back in the '60s. Sellers' boss, played by Herbert Lom, wasn't that funny but Burt Kwoul as "Kato," Clouseau's "trainee" is fun to watch in all his sneak attacks. Sanders was funny, too, and he didn't have to say a word to get a laugh. Just the deadpan looks on his face as he watched "Clouseau" bumble around were priceless. This is a bit slow in the beginning, but once it picks up it's funny the rest of the way. From a film history angle, it was interesting to see how morals had begun to change and how rules were becoming relaxed. In here, director Blake Edwards went out of his way to show cleavage of Sommer and there was an implied sex scene you wouldn't have seen a decade earlier. Also, in the end - although played for laughs - it turns everyone was having an affair with somebody.

    By Person of Few Words
    Peter Sellers is hilarious as Inspector Clouseau. There are so many origonal laughs, its just too many to count. I highly recommend watching this film.
  • My Favorite Pink Panther Movie

    By bbq_chef
    This is my favorite of the Clouseau movies. I loved everything about this movie. A true comedy gem.
  • Pure Gold!!!

    By mikecpoulsen
    A definitive classic! Please I'm looking for "The Party" with Peter Sellers. It's hilarious, and one of my favorites. If you like the Pink Panther, you'll like The Party.
  • peter sellers = (indescribable)

    By Call me Rosco
    all of his pink panther movies are "must-see" movies. seriously. he captured a style of physical comedy that i doubt anyone will ever be able to reproduce.
  • The End!

    By Stone Knockler
    In my opinion, the end is my favorite part, and some others. But over all, the movie isn't as good as Revenge, Stirkes, and Trail. If iTunes put the other Pink Panther movies on here, there would be about 50-100 reviews for both of them (not combined). I'm surprised they have this and the first Pink Panther movies on here, I'm also surpised that this movie is in color.
  • So Funny

    By Bondservant7
    This movie is for sure worth buying! I could watch it 100 times and never get bored. Great movie, and much better than the first Pink Panther.
  • Peter Sellers is comic genius

    By George the Flea
    I was shocked and ecstatic to find A Shot in the Dark on iTunes (and to buy, no less!). This is one of my favorite Pink Panther movies and is truly a classic comedy gem. I sincerely hope that they add the other good ones (Return, Revenge, Strikes Again). The Pink Panther is one of my all-time favorite comedy series thanks to my grandfather introducing me to them hot on the heels of Laurel and Hardy. A Shot in the Dark is hilariously funny (the nudist colony scene is particularly memorable), and Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau is brilliant. I highly recommend this movie.
