The Insider

The Insider

By Michael Mann

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1999-11-05
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 37min
  • Director: Michael Mann
  • Production Company: Touchstone Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,848 Ratings


Jeffrey Wigand was a central witness in the lawsuits filed by Mississippi and 49 other states against the tobacco industry which eventually were settled for 246 billion. Wigand, former head of research and development and a corporate officer at Brown and Williamson, was a top scientist, the ultimate insider. No one like him had ever gone public before. Meanwhile, Lowell Bergman, investigative reporter and "60 Minutes" producer, mostly for Mike Wallace segments, arranged a legal defense team for Wigand and taped the famous Wallace interview with its devastating testimony. However, before the most newsworthy "60 Minutes" segment in years could air, Bergman would lose to a CBS corporate decision to kill it and would experience breakdown and bitter divisions within "60 Minutes." Wigand would find himself sued, targeted in a national smear campaign, divorced and facing possible incarceration. Wigand, having wagered so much and now unable to deliver his testimony to the American people, and Bergman, trying to defeat the smear campaign and force CBS to air the interview, are two ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. They find themselves in a fight from which no one will emerge as he entered and nothing will be the same again.




  • Better With Age

    By Kym Elder
    The test of a great movie is how it bears up through repeated viewings. The Insider got better with age. Amazing performances all around and important subject matter, especially now during the Trump administration.
  • Amazing movie!

    By Allura225
  • Smoking demonization, boo

    By SushiRobot
    It's a good movie but I don't really care for the anti-smoking nonsense. If you want to demonize something, do so with sugar / high-fructose corn syrup. That kills way more people and is injected into everything, giving citizens no choice but to consume it.
  • please release in hd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By LDS in fl
    please release in hd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Another Side of Mann

    By AaronHead
    Unlike most other Mann pictures, The Insider absents the physical elements of Heat, Thief, Collateral, etc., deliberately focusing on dialogue as the film's authoritative device, expertly crafting tension, intrigue, compassion, and a bravado of wits. Christopher Plummer is especially wonderful as Mike Wallace, and though I'm typically no fan of Russell Crowe, his performance herein is understated, thoughtful, and captivating. iTunes, do make it available for rent.
  • Outstanding

    By Megalopsychos85
    In my opinion, "The Insider" is one of the best movies of the last 15 years. The acting, cinematography and direction are all top-notch and the movie's message about the importance of good journalism could not be more prescient.
  • Mann's Masterwork Shouldn't Be Missed

    By rickumali
    This is Michael Mann's masterwork, to be sure. The Insider is a gripping story about a man trying to tell the truth, and the man trying to help him tell it on television (60 Minutes). Every element in this movie is perfect, and it stands up to many many viewings. Russell Crowe and Al Pacino are just electric in this movie. I compare this movie with "All The President's Men" for its unflinching look at how "journalism" gets practiced in America. This is a great serious drama, not to be missed.

    By why isn't this available to rent!
    Please make this available to rent!
  • Stunning

    By Naturally Fabricated
    One of Pacino's best. Nuff said.
  • It's boring

    By tchilds7
    I love pacino and Crowe but this movie is pretty boring and not that good. If people are looking for a good boring movie I would go with There will Be Blood
