You Were Never Really Here

You Were Never Really Here

By Lynne Ramsay

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2018-04-06
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 29min
  • Director: Lynne Ramsay
  • Production Company: Why Not Productions
  • Production Country: France, United Kingdom
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,821 Ratings


A former Marine and ex–FBI agent, Joe has seen one too many crime scenes and known too much trauma, and not just in his professional life. Solitary and haunted, he prefers to be invisible. He doesn't allow himself friends or lovers and makes a living rescuing young girls from the deadly clutches of the sex trade. But when a high-ranking New York politician hires him to extricate his teenage daughter from a Manhattan brothel, Joe uncovers a web of corruption that even he may not be able to unravel. When the men on his trail take the only person left in the world who matters to him, he forsakes his pledge to do no harm. If anyone can kill his way to the truth, it's Joe.




  • Masterpiece

    By Toasty Morgendorffer
    It’s what Joker wanted to be but it’s handled better and written/directed by a woman so it’s actually good
  • Dark, disconnected

    By TNMansfield
    Terrible plot establishment, disconnected acting. Avoid
  • Hell no!

    By nowyouseeme123
    Is there less than one star??? What was this movie even about...Hollywood again trying to be weird in a screwed up mental game instead of telling a great story.
  • Not what others say it is

    By Tytyshredder
    This movie is indeed not for everyone. For those looking for a gritty, fast paced thriller, this isn’t it. This is a movie that deals with trauma and the raw evils of life. I found this movie relatable, slow (at times when it needed to be), but well thought out. The slow moments highlight the true pain and edgy feeling that PTSD can bring to life.
  • Excellent

    By yogiparis
    The reviewers that gave this movie one star need to stick to their « crash-bang » superhero films of zero substance!
  • Not really worth watching

    By Karafsone
    Not a good idea
  • Brilliant is not enough.

    By Nobody8776
    Simple, perfect. Understated in this ludicrous John Wick World. No Super Human powers. Just the force of will. Soaked in darkness, with one sliver of light. If J. phoenix had never done any other thing, this would be enough. Mad respect to all involved. What a gift.
  • People giving it poor reviews had false expectations

    By Schvyler
    This is not Taken. This is not even an action film. This film is a masterclass in visual and sonic storytelling with minimal dialogue. It’s not going to hold your hand. Be okay with subverted tropes — that the damsel in distress isn’t heroically rescued by the male protagonist, that there isn’t a neatly explained resolution, and that Liam Neeson isn’t there to give you lines to meme with your friends. Enjoy.
  • Don't Get It

    By MTM.MAN
    First of all, you have the Top Tomato Heads in love with this movie, about a former Marine going after those that kidnap children to exploit them & taking his revenge in some dramatic horrific & bloody means to an end, literally. Yet, another character, a physician does similar with guns, after his familiy is murdered or nearly, in Death Wish, and the Tomato Heads cry "bloody Foul" & untimely & stop the Funny thing too, the general public panned this movie & pretty much liked the Bruce Willis flick, go figure huh? Me? I found this Never Here movie somewhat interesting to watch, but the ending & other parts a bit over the top - great story of good deeds done in a horrible manner, so very shocked the so-called experts loved it - maybe a bit biased because of the actor & director they loved or what? Saw this awhile back on Amazon Prime; price here was $6.99 & now $9.99 - also a bit odd; if no one is buying it, why raise the price at all??? Not sure I would watch it again anyway.
  • Hated it

    By The name Jennifer was taken
    Pointless, exploitative pretentious drivel Waste of time
