Hellraiser: Judgement

Hellraiser: Judgement

By Gary J. Tunnicliffe

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2018-02-13
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 21min
  • Director: Gary J. Tunnicliffe
  • Production Company: Dimension Films
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 316 Ratings


Three detectives attempt to solve a diabolical murder that sweeps them into the depths of hell in this next addition of the classic Hellraiser series.




  • Best sequel yet

    By schizm88
    Of the franchise. Highly recommend this one. It’s good.
  • I liked it but too low budget

    By BruceUSA
    Good story, very gross and nice twists. Movie felt too low budget. Needed higher production values.
  • Default

    By yhhhduudud
    Please, do yourself a favor and don’t watch this.
  • Worth it!

    By Dnolan187
    Loved the cinematography and tempo. Film was extremely violent with some great plot twists and expected outcomes. Recommend you watch it!
  • Very well done.

    By GamerGenkisan
    Paul Tayler did a great job as Pinhead and showed to be a true successor to legendary Doug Bradley. The story was surprisingly better than I expected and I got to like Pinhead’s new minion, The Auditor. I would love to see a sequel to this.
  • So Close!

    By Escher2
    A solid B movie effort... A bit more production budget and polish... and a bit less messy script and it would really work - seemed to be two stories mashed together... Sitll, much better than anything post Bloodline. The new pinhead is passable, Bradley is perfection, but this gent will do. I like the new mythology - it adds some depth and fleshes out the universe. The nudity was not needed and added nothing. The gore was fitting and not overdone for the genre. Nothing beats the original and II for me... but this is a refreshing change from the mess of the last few films.
  • Nicely done.

    By bearded beheader
    It did seem to slow during the detective part but overall it was alright. I liked the fact that they house was the one from the original, and that Chatterer and the Pillar made an appearance. I really enjoyed the new cenobites and the punishment aspect with the Surgeon. My only real issue is that it is lacking the sin aspect. It is in the film because they talk about it, but none of that is shown. So the punishment just doesn't fulfill you. Plus there is no viseral sex in it. That aspect of the original is what made you question things and brought the level of horror into it. Pleasures of the flesh. The angel idea was cool, but I think poorly executed. She looked just like some bad model. It would have been much more intriging to push that design to mirror the cenobites but in some angelic way. Like use some imagery from old middle east lore. Not some blonde haired woman in white leather. If you are a fan of the series, you will enjoy it. I really like the direction it went, and I understand it was a very small budget, but hopefully this gives rise to more.
  • They tried...

    By Angelswitch
    I love the Hellraiser series, but was bored with this one. It’s too predictable and obviously not the imagination of Clive Barker. If you don’t know the storyline it’s ok and does have the gross out factor.
  • A true, worthy sequel to 1&2

    By Cyanstorm1
    Hellraiser:Judment is the first true sequels that can be put (almost but not quite) in the same pedestal as the originals (1 and 2). Even though their budget was quite minuscule the director (who also doubles as an actor, and a credible one too) managed to put up a convincing setting for the movie premise. Special effects are pretty darned good (cenobites were creepy as hell) and pinhead himself, though not played by Doug Bradley, was nonetheless spot on. I hope the director gets a shot at making an even better sequel with a much bigger budget..."it would have such sights to show us" :D
  • Awesome rebirth of franchise

    By Flight Leader Funds
    Remember, this is an extremely low budget film that is coming after several bad movies in the franchise. The first 11 minutes before the title was perfect. The movie is easily worth a couple of hours in the evening. Great Job Dimension!
