A passionate holiday romance takes an unexpected and sinister turn when Australian photojournalist Clare (Teresa Palmer) wakes up one morning locked in Andi's Berlin apartment—and he has no intention of letting her go again...ever.
Horrible 😝
By Gamer holdem
One word for this movie and the ending. Sucked 👎
Decent Dramatic Performance
Teresa Palmer is of course a beautiful woman, so it is hard to believe after her experience and level that she would put herself through such an experience as this, but I guess it is all acting & wanting to do something different and challenging. She does a very good job in portraying the innocent and naive victim, but the story is a bit hard to believe. On the other hand, what reason would she have to believe that she would be caught in such an unsusual and odd trapped situation especially after feeling so welcomed and not so trapped initially. Anyway, in spite of the stress and all, it is a good movie, especially for just $1 - I usually don't like these types of movies.
By AverageGuy92
Great film
Great movie. It's slow but it's suppose to be to buld to the ending!
By TomMarkel
Great movie. It's slow at times but it's suppose to be to buld to the ending! Palmer is fantastic again. Nicely written and acted by all. It gets slow and drags during certain parts but the parts it is slow through should be slow. Not everything is an action movie (and I love action) or a hammer to the head horror movie. I am a horror movie lover but appreciatte all types of horror. This was very real which can be the most terrifying!
Absurdly melancholy
By I eat books
This movie is so slow and uneventful that it makes no sense whatsoever. Her accent is so bad she just mumbles or says nothing at all when she should be engaging. I have never seen anything so boring.
The worst.
By Mr.Shirley
Should have known something was up, when it was offered as a rental for a buck. I took the bait and now regret it. It went though the motions of being watchable, but missed the mark by a mile. I knew what I was gettin' into (or thought I did, by watching the trailers), but was really let down and still not sure why. It was tone deaf I guess. It was like being sung happy birthday to by a Commdore 64. Technically correct, but without any feeling whatsover.
Don't waste your time
By Margonet
The middle hour of the film is excruciatingly slow and uneventful. It doesn't delve into any insightful character examination, interesting story lines or good dialogs. Faily well acted. That's about it. Don't waste you time.
By 2ako
This movie is on point. It captures your attention from the beginning. It may seem slow to others but for those who know how to appreciate an amazing movie- this is the one for you.
By cupcakeYEAH
This movie is so tense and fascinating. Not your average scary movie so if that's what your expecting this isn't for you..but that's why this movie is so good. It's original and the actors are brilliant. Both Teresa Palmer and Max Reinalt are magnificent in bringing the weight and power of each character to life. The male lead character is mesmerizing. The female lead character is strong yet vulnerable and raw. Gorgeous movie as well. Atmospheric and somber. Truly one to remember. Loved it.
Amazing Thriller
By Russell
Teresa Palmer is incredible. She should be a major star. She makes every single scene come alive… A natural and gifted actress.