The Student Body

The Student Body

By Bailey Webber & Michael Webber

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2017-01-24
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 25min
  • Director: Bailey Webber & Michael Webber
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 8 Ratings


In an effort to address the obesity problem among American youth, lawmakers in dozens of states have passed controversial mandates forcing schools to perform BMI tests on students. What soon followed sparked a heated national debate. Coined the "Fat Letters" by students, notification letters were sent to kids whose body mass did not fall within a narrowly acceptable range; essentially telling children, even as young as kindergarteners, that they are fat. When a determined sixth-grader voices her protest against the letters, student journalist Bailey Webber is inspired to take up her fight. Convinced that her peers are being unfairly bullied by the government, Bailey's investigation turns into a battle of wills between herself and state lawmakers who support the law. THE STUDENT BODY is a true underdog story of two brave girls who take a stand against government intrusion and hypocrisy while exploring the complex and controversial truths surrounding the obesity debate.



  • Great Film

    By SDPeterson1890
    While "The Student Body" is everything a documentary should be, it is also much more: a coming-of-age story, a quest, and a journey of personal discovery. It started as an investigative journalism project and became an example of new media for the 21st-century. What's more, it shows how a determined student can bring about positive change by refusing to take "no" for an answer. Ultimately it is an encouraging, educational, and uplifting film, and the storylines are so strong that you might forget you are watching a documentary.
  • Great

    By Erik Parrish
    Captures a great passion for rights and happiness. A true joy to watch the journey of a highschool student unfold as she finds herself in the middle of a heated national debate. Very entertaining while also being a great informative documentary. I reccomend it to really anyone, enjoyable for all ages!
  • Amazing!

    By Scottyboy707
    Wow! This film was amazing! I love the hidden humor in this. The scene with the senator was so intense I couldn't look away. Lol overall, the student journalist was so brave for doing what she did and we need more people like her to touch on social issues like this. :))
  • Fun and Insightful

    By JTAisMe
    A great film was a determined, smart young woman at its center. Always respectful, but also unflintching as she takes on her local school, state government, and conventional wisdom as she explores the terrible mistakes that are being made in an attempt to deal with childhood obesity. A must see!
  • Incredible Work

    By Movie krik
    This is by far my favorite documentary. I saw it at a screening in my local town not really knowing what it was. It really opens up the conversation for students, parents, and teachers to talk about self image and confidence. Politics and school are constantly at a clash and this shows exactly how it impacts the children going to school. I highly recommend to anyone at any age!
  • Inspirational

    By Hofdfdfbdfdcx
    This film captures the journey of two young women who decide to stand up for their convictions and challenge the adults whose decisions are impacting their generation. You will find yourself cheering their tenacity and in the end you will admire their compassion.
  • In love & inspired

    By Chloe Woodmansee
    I love this documentary and the meaning behind it. You'd be missing out on something great to not get to watch it!
