

By Ariel Vromen

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2016-04-15
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 53min
  • Director: Ariel Vromen
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99


The story of the right man in the wrong body. In a last-ditch effort to stop a diabolical plot, a dead CIA operative’s memories, secrets, and skills are implanted into an unpredictable and dangerous death-row inmate in hopes the he will complete the operative’s mission.



  • Very Good

    By Boschgmbh
    Great acting by Costner. Some very moving scenes.
  • Great Movie

    By Ballgame03
    My wife and I really enjoyed this movie. Absolutely recommend.
  • Decent action Flick

    By MTM.MAN
    Just picked this up for the low price of $4.99 & a very good deal....imo. This has a decent story with originality but not too over the top that you can’t get past it. That cannot be said for that previous Ryan R. Movie where the older star moves in to the younger character’s body. This has very good action and plot and you get to see the lovely Gil Gadot. Even the ending is not so bad.
  • Very good movie. Entertaining. Action and much more than that.

    By trelliumd
    I seldom do movie reviews and have only done them when I get surprised how good one is after reading reviews of how good and bad a movie is. I am compelled to let someone know to take a chance on watching this movie. I bought it. Hey, it also has Wonder Woman in it! All kidding aside, it caught me off guard how well this movie went. Story building, character development, blah blah blah. It was very entertaining. Rent or buy it!
  • We need more!

    By Sam Dario
    I really enjoyed watching that, hope to see sequels soon.
  • Didn't like it

    By Rambo8649
    Rotten tomatoes got this one right. Great cast, and acting and general filmmaking were alright. The story, however, was very weak and poorly conceived and written. Boring, formulaic, predictable, etc. This is one movie I will never watch again.
  • Save your money.

    By ronross53
    Hokey story line. Lost interest after less than 30 minutes. Brain cell transplant? Seriously? Should have burn the money spent for warmth, better investment.
  • Good Flick

    By Ray Gone
    Pretty good movie. Not sure why the professional reviewers panned it but it's a good movie. Not overdone with explosions and such but enough to be exciting, a touch of sic-fi; all in all a pretty decent show.
  • Rotten Tomatoes is rotten - throw it out.

    By Feminine Divine
    Great movie. My only issue is the last line of the movie. They didn't need it, the magic came full circle. Definite recommend.
  • Arrogant Reviewers with their Rotten taste

    By MovieGoersDowntown
    Any movie with these actors has to be at least very good. These Tomato reviwers are lacking in common sense.
