Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong

Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong

By Emily Ting

  • Genre: Romance
  • Release Date: 2016-02-16
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 18min
  • Director: Emily Ting
  • iTunes Price: USD 6.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99


In this sparkling romance, Ruby (Jamie Chung), a Chinese American toy designer from LA, visits Hong Kong for the first time on business. Finding herself stranded, she meets Josh (Bryan Greenberg), an American expat who shows her the city. Meandering through nighttime streets pulsing with energy and possibility, they fall into a winding and carefree conversation, buoyed by an undeniable attraction. Just as things start to look promising romantically for the pair, the night is stopped short by a surprising revelation. As effervescent as a perfect first date, this charming walk and talk romance takes full advantage of the chemistry of its leads, the playfulness of their exchanges, and the magical landscape that is Hong Kong at night.



  • I almost called the police for this poor girl

    By emilyq926
    I hope this girl never comes across an actual predator one day bc she failed all the tests. About a quarter of the way in I thought he was actually kidnapping her. Why did they make him such a creeper and what was this girl thinking?
  • Romantic film that questions emotional cheating

    By wcman316
    2 star crossed lovers meet and find out they are more compatible with each other than with their own boyfriend/girlfriend. It’s a film that examines happiness in a relationship and makes you evaluate your own relationship situation. Great writing and cast.
  • Really? You’re going with that ending?

    By akiglobal
    How dare you give us that ending! You’re the reason I’m restless! I need the sequel like today please! Don’t you dare do a “Before Sunset” I’m not going to wait another 9 years! How much money do you need for a sequel? Here, take my money 💰💰💰💰!
  • Ugh

    By Uhudsfs
    Aside from the white male savior complex that pervades this piece of ssssshi, it's a movie with filled with pathetic, banal dialogues; acting so terrible watching the Asian girl act was nausea-inducing that I would like to sue the motherfucing movie for the nausea. Also, if you want to hire a white man, get a good actor, not a d-list mediocre actor.
  • Jamie is a horrible actress

    By Gooddayeveryone
    She is unbearable as an actress, she seems cross eyed, bland, just bad. Get a real, talented, Asian actress Please! The guy is not much better. Waste of time.
  • Typical Racism White Male Supremacy!

    By elreydeoro
    It just seems like Hollywood likes to project this idea onto the world that the white male is the alpha king and that all women would do just well to be with him!
  • Truly Horrible

    By ChicagoIL2016
    Incredibly slow ... a complete lack of chemistry between the leads ... and absolutely nothing to feel excited about or moved by.
  • Loved the chemistry but it's a waste of time

    By Rockyfellasfryuno1
    Enough said I totally loved the chemistry between the two characters! It was spontaneous and delightful but the ending will wreck the whole movie and completely waste your time! Although I totally ship them, this is totally not worth the money and absolutely not worth my time. I am so disappointed do yourself a favor and save your time for a better movie...
  • And the Oscar goes to… Hong Kong

    By Scooterious
    While Chung and Greenberg work well together, Hong Kong upstages both of them. For those of us who live in HK, the film reminds us why we moved here and still love it. But Hong Kongers will also be incredulous at the route he takes her on to get to Lan Kwai Fong. It’s a sweet story and a great way to kill two hours.
  • Ready for Already!

    By brukta
    Ravishing - in every sense. There’s such a fluidity and ease about the entire film amidst a bustling and dreamy backdrop. And as if the scenic beauty of HongKong weren’t luscious in itself, we also feast on a truly engaging pair of actors who - not surprisingly - wound up falling in love in reality … and then marrying post-production. It’s enough to send one on the next plane over - just to see what serendipity awaits.
