Higher Ground

Higher Ground

By Unknown

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2011-08-26
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 51min
  • Director: Unknown
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 55 Ratings


Pregnant, married, and awkward at eighteen years old, Carolyn Briggs grows more and more interested in Jesus, eventually giving herself over to a radical New Testament church. Amidst her community of self-described "Jesus Freaks," Carolyn's daily life consists of hours of Bible study, alternative family practices and bracing for the oncoming Rapture. It's only when her marriage begins to unravel that Carolyn dares to question the religious dogma she has embraced for her entire adult life.




  • Wonderful

    By Jay photo
    Vera and Taisa delivered terrific performances. A touching story of faith and our journey to find it.
  • Why isn't this available to rent?

    By pazuzu126
    I have been waiting for ages to rent this movie. I think it is dumb that they release movies to buy but not to rent.
  • Higher Ground

    By red molly
    beautiful and moving. Can anyone tell me where I can get the soundtrack?
  • Honest portrayal

    By boxcarriot
    Looking for an honest portrayal of Christian's journey, look no further than here.
  • From a Christian View Point

    By Tokyo Mommy
    I rented this movie thinking there was going to be something to chew on. There were a definatley a few things to chew on, but a lot of aggrivations along the way. My first impression was that the actors in the movie (with the exception of Vera Farminga) were completely ungenuine in their acting. Hard to explain but it made me realise that there is no way you can "fake" faith or belief in Jesus. A lot of misquoted scripture and scripture taken out of context at times as well as good intentions of the faith (such as sexual satisfaction in a marriage) misrepresented. I kept having to remind myself that much of this could be realisistic. Afterall, this movie was was portrayed as taking place in the 70s and 80s and in a congregation of new converts, not necessarily mature in understanding scripture and or life yet. The Christian counsellor portrayed in this movie also made my stomach churn as did the notion that the Bible is the only education one needs. This was a really lousy portrayal of what the Christian faith is all about. A typical film about a woman who chooses self is a higher priority than others and abandons her faith and family after being faced with trauma. In searching for "the feeling" of God, she unfortunatley never finds the faith or correct teaching to bring her back to a geinuine understanding of her faith.
  • higher ground

    By JaredXGordon
    This movie is special to say the least. With wonderful performances by both taissa and vera farmiga, it allows good insight into the mind of a woman struggling with her faith and its consequent effect on her life. Whether or not you are religious it is a very interesting watch.
  • higher ground

    By cmb5
    I agree with reviewers - the Christianity is portrayed quite poorly (in most hollywood movies actually) but I loved this women's journey of faith; it seemed real; good movie but the ending is disappointing;
  • Refreshing

    By dulcitunes
    She is a wonderful actor. Really good movie. I liked her friendship with her best friend. Gives a human look to some of the evangelical stuff.
  • Snooze Fest

    By DarMK
    I kept hoping things would pick up at some point but found the movie to be very anti-climatic. The ending left me confused and I wished I could have gotten those 2.5 hours of my life back. Acting was good though; makes the most boring of plots a bit more tolerable. Overall, I give this movie a C-.
  • Poignant & Sweet

    By k.e.r. san fran
    this is a lovely film. well worth watching. bravo to Vera for such fine work!
