

By Steven Spielberg

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1999-05-04
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 34min
  • Director: Steven Spielberg
  • Production Company: DreamWorks Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,294 Ratings


This Steven Spielberg-directed exploration into a long-ago episode in African-American history recounts the trial that followed the 1839 rebellion aboard the Spanish slave ship Amistad and captures the complex political maneuverings set in motion by the event. Filmed in New England and Puerto Rico, the 152-minute drama opens with a pre-credit sequence showing Cinque (Djimon Hounsou) and the other Africans in a violent takeover of the Amistad. Captured, they are imprisoned in New England where former slave Theodore Joadson (Morgan Freeman), viewing the rebels as "freedom fighters," approaches property lawyer Baldwin (Matthew McConaughey), who attempts to prove the Africans were "stolen goods" because they were kidnapped. Running for re-election, President Martin Van Buren (Nigel Hawthorne) overturns the lower court's decision in favor of the Africans. Former President John Quincy Adams (Anthony Hopkins) is reluctant to become involved, but when the case moves on to the Supreme Court, Adams stirs emotions with a powerful defense. The storyline occasionally cuts away to Spain where the young Queen Isabella (Anna Paquin) plays with dolls; she later debated the Amistad case with seven U.S. presidents. The character portrayed by Morgan Freeman is a fictional composite of several historical figures. For authentic speech, the Africans speak the Mende language, subtitled during some scenes but not others.




  • Amazing movie, bad download

    By lazyqueensresident
    For whatever reason, it seems like Apple didn't pay attention to the dialogue of the enslaved people in this film because they do not have captions available when they are speaking in their native language. Only the English speakers have closed captions. What the hell?
  • African Ancestors

    By Baby Batman
    O Ancestors! Blacker than a thousand midnights Afrikan Ancestors! It is to YOU that we, your children, give respect and honor. O Ancestors! We call upon YOU and welcome you in this place. Afrikan Ancestors! Let your presence fill this place. O Ancestors! Who have been purposely excluded from the history books, so that the world would not know of your greatness Our Afrikan Ancestors! Who gave civilization to the world. Our Afrikan Ancestors! Who gave the arts to the world. Our Afrikan Ancestors! Who gave music to the world. Our Afrikan Ancestors! Who gave the sciences to the world. Our Afrikan Ancestors! Who gave mathematics to the world. Our Afrikan Ancestors! Who gave medicine to the world. Our Afrikan Ancestors! Who gave literature to the world. Our Afrikan Ancestors! Who gave philosophy to the world. Our Afrikan Ancestors! Who gave God consciousness to the world. O Ancestors! We thank you for devoting your life to make a future for us, your children, grand children, and great grandchildren. Now, stand with us; strengthen us; guide us; teach us, and protect us from the snare of our enemies! Rise up, O Afrikan Ancestors, and let our enemies be scattered! And give us the wisdom and the boldness to deal with our oppressors and those who would hinder the liberation and empowerment of our people. Rise up, O Afrikan Ancestors, and live in us. And we will not fail to honor you; We will not fail to respect you; We will not fail to hear you, And we will NOT betray you. Ase`
  • Great & Accurate Depiction

    By Cocobunny78
    Amistad, just like 12 Years as a Slave, Roots, Mississippi Burning and Ghost of Mississippi have been true depiction of the mistreatment of African Americans and the history of what truly happen. No matter how people say this is hollywood and sensationalized by media but that is not true. To have had a great great great grandmother being born in the early 1900's and hearing where they came from and being able to see how far we have come has been eye opening. This movies along with Amistad was nothing short of what I have heard from and about my ancestors. This movie was an accurate depiction of slavery in those times! Great Movie.
  • Just wow!!!

    Excellent movie amazing!!!!! What a movie!!!
  • Compelling

    By russ-M
    I saw this movie when it first came out and rented it again for an airplane flight. I had forgotten how compelling and disturbing this story is and how great the acting is. I should have purchased it instead. I will next time.

    By Person of Few Words
    This was a well written piece of work. The acting and story was great to say the least. I highly reccomend watching this.
  • ?

    By Mrlongisland
    Can't buy?... The movie gets 5 stars, so let people buy it.
  • Amistad

    By Sis Toth
    This movie that made me feel and capture the experience of a human ripped from family and community to become property like an animal. Man's inhumanity to man. Spielberg directed with a great cast!
  • Rent only?

    By Charlie Mo
    I want to own it not rent it!
  • Saddest yet best movie ever

    By Best movie I've ever seen!!!!!
    I wasn't expecting this movie to be so powerful. I cried in just about every scene :'( every actor was amazing, and I will be thinking back on this movie for the next year! Every American should see this to remind us what happened in this country during the times of slavery. Definetly a must see!
