Life doesn't worth !!
By Al-jree7
It makes me feel so miserable and persuaded ... :|
Best movie
By miguelrivera
Best movie ever I love it
Q. Where do I begin? A. Great movie
By Cancerboarder2004
Kevin Bacon plays unforgettable role in "Death Sentence" in his work life he is a senior VP of a health insurance company. In his home life he has the "Perfect Family". One of his Son's has the potential to be a "All-Star Athlete" his younger son is a little more reserved and into the arts. and possibly. As in any family one Parent has a favorite Child. The older son (The Athlete) is his fathers favorite, The younger son is his mothers favorite. After a hockey game on the way home Kevin Bacon and his son are on their way home from a Hockey Game that has the potential to decide his sons future. While on the way home they realize they need gas in the car, and his son wants a celebratory slushie. While in the convince store there is an armed robbery that quickly goes wrong. When the gas station attendennt tries to press his panic button he is shot by one of the thugs. After this happens. Kevins Son is scared, so scared he is frozen in place. The leader of the gang that tried to rob the convince store tells their newest recruit that of he kills the son he will "be a man" (of you have not guessed the robbery is an "initiation killing) the thug pulls a knife and takes a swipe at the Kevins son, while all of this is happening Kevin realizes what is going on and tries to help. When Kevin gets to the door of the convenience store he manages to grab a hold of his sons killer just long enough to pull his mask off, the thighs quickly scatter and get into their cars and speed off. Leaving the killer behind and in the middle of the street, the thug is almost instantly hit my a car, (That's when the thought comes to mind is a (dog putting the L Version just in back to the reveiw were I left off as the action outside the store is happening a tragic scene is unfolding inside with Kevin's Som dying in his arms he rushes him to the hospital. Shortly after Kevin's wife and Youngest son meet him at the hospital as the doctor steps out of the waiting room to inform the family
Of the tragic news that his son did not survive his wounds. The movie cuts to a shout of the morning wake to burry the son. After this the movie jumps to the home the Family has shared for his son(s) entire life. Kevin, and his wife are talking about the next mornings court case to hopefully put the thug
Away for the rest of his life. The Lawyars, and police inform Kevin of a plea deal in the works, because there is not a chance there would be a case with our a shread of ecvidance. Kevin considers the deal. And during case—; tells the judge that he does not recognize the killer. He makes the desision that he will take Justice into his own hand's. He will soon go to war with the most powerful war in the city.
I will leave the rest of the movie as a sunrise in short Kevin realizes the importance of family and grows closer to his younger Son and quickly realizes that he has treated him differently. If you like the intense action, Kevin Bacon, John Goodman, wrong versus right or any of the above this film is for you. It almost has a independent feel
to it. Actors/Actress's in the movie are
•John Goodman
•Kelly Preston
Death Sentence
By Raider16Laxman35
First time I saw this movie was on OnDemand from a recommendation from my friend during the summer...after that first time, I loved it. This movie had everything I liked; hockey, gore/blood, suspense, a well well written story line and action. This is an awesome movie
Death Sentencep
By Kayla Haney
I love this movie its so suspensful, but its also sad too. The first time i watched this movie a cried, and it does put u on the edge of your seat. One of the best movies ive seen. I also would like to say that i lov the character Billy Darley, he's so hot and badass too.
How to find the soundtrack.
By The Tonic
Go to google and type in Death Sentence Soundtrack. Next click on the Death Sentence (2007) Soundtracks label. It should than bring up the list of music from the movie. Suggestion: One of my personal favorites is 'Alright' by Pilot Speed, if anyone cares.
By Godzilla guy
Best movie ever.
By siobhan nxt american idol<333333
i remember the first time i saw this movie, it just never gets old. its so suspenseful, so sad at the same time. makes me cry, especially when he's son dies:'(
By kndulaney
I was one the edge of my seat heart racing yelling at the t.v. during this movie. It's story line is so captivating and there is some great acting. Even though you wish to think this would never happen to you its very realistic at the same time. These aren't normally my type of movie but it was just awesome. RENT! or BUY!
By thisgamesawesome,man
THIS IS THE BEST ACTION SHOOT EM' UP MOVIE OUT THERE! only one problem. Where is the soundtrack on itunes? I mean C'mon with a movie this awesome and with a soundtrack to this movie this awesome you gotta have it on itunes. :|