The Sons of Katie Elder

The Sons of Katie Elder

By Unknown

  • Genre: Western
  • Release Date: 1965-07-01
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 2h 1min
  • Director: Unknown
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99


Katie Elder bore four sons. The day she is buried they all return home to Clearwater, Texas, to pay their last respects. John Wayne is the eldest and toughest son, the gunslinger. Tom (Dean Martin) is good with a deck of cards and good with a gun when he has to be. Matt (Earl Holliman) is the quiet one - nobody ever called him yellow...twice. Bud (Michael Anderson, Jr.) is the youngest. Any hope for respectability lies with him. Directed by Henry Hathaway (True Grit), an acknowledged master of the Western, the story has a dual theme: not only is this a he-man's story, but it is also a drama of the maternal influence of Katie Elder, movingly portrayed from beginning to conclusion.



  • I liked this one

    By Rambo8649
    This is one of the better westerns I have seen. I do, however, wish it was widescreen.
  • cropped pan and scan

    By Jeff Edward
    I'd like to watch this movie, but I don't have a square screen that will fit this movie. All my screens are rectangles. The movie was originally created as a rectangle. I'll buy this movie when it is a rectangle again.
  • Full screen instead of original wide

    By Hatter60
    Cannot believe iTunes would even sell this crap being a technology company...great film ruined by pan and not buy.Amazon has it in its original film.
  • Movie screen changes

    By Paladin057
    The credits in the beginning is wide screen, however it doesn’t fill the screen. Right after the credits, it changes to full screen. What a shame! It should be widescreen throughout. It’s not HD either. VUDU has it widescreen and HD. I have in both, however I will watch it in VUDU until iTunes makes it HD and widescreen. That is the reason for one(1) star. Otherwise it is a five(5) star movie.
  • Ugh... too bad

    By jefftd
    The movie is good, it lost a star because I was an idiot and didn't notice that it was not in the orginal aspect ratio and has instead been cropped to the old 4:3 ratio preferred by television before larger screens became commonplace.
  • 4:3 Aspect ratio?

    By NOT from the Motion Pic
    How can you claim this is 1080P HD and have a 4:3 aspect ratio? This need to be corrected to a real HD aspect ratio, otherwise, very misleading claiming this is HD.
  • The sons of Katie elder

    Why is it that the preview is wide screen and then I purchase it and it’s just full screen. What a Jip. Movie is great format blows why why why
  • Where’s the widescreen version

    By Gsl1956
    Bought this because it says it was HD, but this is the pan-and-scan format version and not the widescreen. What’s up with that, Apple?
  • French

    By Rock Bit
    The movie downloaded in French! Cannot even get English subtitles. Odd
  • Great movie

    By Stantler16
    This is an amazing movie! If anyone likes love stories, adventure and family get togethers with fights with no end, then you will love this movie!
