Come Out in Jesus Name

Come Out in Jesus Name

By Unknown

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2023-03-13
  • Advisory Rating: G
  • Runtime: 1h 30min
  • Director: Unknown
  • Production Company: Locke Media
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99


Following a startling chain of events, the most controversial pastor in America, Greg Locke, took a 180-degree turn from his mainstream religious traditions and led his church into full blown revival. He and a diverse group of unconventional preachers then began to spark the most important awakening in the history of the Christian Church — through the most unlikely means — by casting out demons.




  • This is Not The Gospel

    By Eladio Cofresi
    The Gospel is that God sent His Son to pay the penalty for our sins, to save us from Him, for Him. It is the saving gift of of God; one of grace and not of works. This documentary twists scripture to believe Christians have demons and do things that are more akin to witchcraft and fleece people from their money (note how the websites from these “demon slayers” seem to sell “classes” and “sessions” so prominently.) If one wants to know who God is, read the Bible in context.
  • Come out in Jesus name

    By becksgrin
    This film is a start of an awakening on the Holy Spirit being poured out into all of us. Believer or not, there’s no other name such as Jesus. This film opened the eyes to others in the theatre and got freedom from spiritual warfare. Praise Jesus for people standing on the way Jesus says to follow Him. We have the authority in Jesus name as a believer to drive out demonic spirits, heal the sick as stated in Mathew 10:1. Highly suggest this movie to inspire others to stop loving a boring life and be more like The Lord. One day it will be too late to not only get yourself help but helping others.
  • The most engaging documentary ever made!

    By AZTed67
    The documentary is anointed by the Holy God of the Bible. God is bringing back exorcism to the body of Christ. It’s a lost art and this documentary is very inspirational how so many Christians are being deceived and demonized and Jesus Christ wants to set them free. All of the deliverance ministers in this documentary are well respected and back up their work by scriptures and proof. Deliverance is a healing miracle and a sign Jesus is the one and only LIVING God. This documentary should wake up the body of Christ it’s time to learn to cast out demons and set the captives free!
